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Zack Edwards

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Living Life and Having Fun

Thank you

Nov 13th @ 12:38pm EST

Had an awesome birthday yesterday. Thanks to everyone who stopped in my room to wish me a happy birthday. Didn't do anything spectacular for the occasion, just stayed home and got pretty damn drunk and had lots of sex with Chris last night. I think that was the best part of the birthday. I also got the day off from work for my birthday, that was nice of them. But I have to work a double next Wednesday since it is someone else's birthday and I am letting them off their birthday off. No Fair thought, their birthday falls on pay day. That always makes for a better birthday. Also started on my new tattoo yesterday, can't wait until this one is done. It is going to look good. This one is on my right forearm. It is a little sore this morning, but the pain should pass at some point today. I really don't have much to talk about today, except for the fact that I woke up to snow on the ground. I am sorry, but I am not ready for winter just quite yet. Can we please have a fall? I think we have only two seasons here, Summer and Winter. Crazy! I hope you guys have a great day and will see you soon. Hugs and Booty Bumps!Zack

He Did It!

Nov 3rd @ 9:31pm EST

Well as you noticed it has been a while since I have posted something on my blog. I am not really sure why I forget to post but lately it's because I have been busy with my other job so I don't even think about it much. As most of you have noticed, I haven't been on during my normal hours this week; the early AM, but now in the later PM Hours and overnight. Well Chris is having to work over nights this week, so he is sleeping during the day and hell, I don't like using the laptop that much to get online. Not sure if I will be on tomorrow. I am just playing this by ear because I was supposed to be off tomorrow, but looks like I am going to be working a 12 hour shift and taking it one day at a time to see if the kitchen manager is going to even return to work. A little update though, Chris finally let me top him. It was about two weeks ago, but he said he wanted to try. He was able to handle it for a little over five minutes. Which is more than I thought he would. I figured I would just get the head in and he would want me to take it out. But no, he took it all like a champ.I will be on tonight in about an hour. See you guys soon!

When it Rains, It Pours

Oct 11th @ 2:24pm EDT

This has absolutely been the worst week ever. I am so glad that it is almost over so I can start fresh next week. First my paycheck from my job was direct deposited into someone else's account at a bank that I don't even use, and that person doesn't even work for the company that I work for. Took all day Wednesday afternoon to get it straightened out, and did not get my money until Friday. Then Friday morning, Chris calls me on his lunch and tells me that the car is fucked up and he is going to try to make it home. So now I have decided that I am not going to put any more money in that car, just going to sell the damn thing and get a new car. I really don't want a note, because I can't afford it. But I will just have to try to sell my ass on here a little harder, I guess I need to get some bigger dildos to shove up my butt for you guys. LOL. Well today is a contest day, so I am not sure If I am going to even get online or not. Usually it is dead in my room on these days. I am not complaining. I know there are some major league players on here; and I am still a newbie. Rainy day here. Staying inside, not that I have a choice. I don't have a car. See you guys soon.Z

Keep the votes coming! :)

Oct 7th @ 5:25am EDT

October all ready? Man this year is flying by. I want to start by thanking everyone that has voted so far for Viewers Choice, remember it's free and you can vote daily. I am know that I am not going to win it, but seeing me in the top 50 is good enough for me. I enjoy each and every one of you that come in my room and chat even if you don't or can not tip or take me private. The conversation is always good and we talk about the strangest stuff. From food to sex to even movies and the weather. I guess that is what keeps me coming back on line, because I never know what we are going to start talking about. Today is my Monday, so I start my work week back. But in my line of work, I don't dread going back. I go in, do what I love then come back home and get online and do what I love again. Sex and Food. The best of both worlds.Nothing really exciting happened over the weekend. We had some nice weather and some severe storms. Very odd, but the heat is gone for now and I can have the windows open. Until there is more to chat about, I will run for now. See you guys soon! Hugs and KissesZack

Flirt of the Year 2014

Oct 2nd @ 11:17am EDT

I got today off from my full time job today. Not really sure how I swung that, but I think they made a mistake. Turning off my cell phone, just in case they figure it out. I am going to enjoy my extra day off. Well it looks like it is time for the Flirt of the Year 2014, I am currently ranked 23 in the Freshman Category; so any help that you can give is greatly appreciated. We are also ranked 15 on our duo account for Flirt of The Year 2014 High Demand Duo's. So any help there is appreciated too! You can also vote for me daily in the Viewer's Choice Award for 2014; I think currently I am ranked 108 as of today, but there is still plenty of time to vote. I think voting ends in December of this year. Who really knows when it comes to these contests? I want to say thank you to everyone, because this year has been really fun on here so far. I enjoy talking with all of you, and enjoy our privates. You guys have brought out some fetishes in me that I didn't even know I had. So of course, I thank you for that. Thanks for all of the sex toys and clothes off our wish list; they are used trust me. We try to keep it updated; so if you see something, feel free. We will; or I will use it. Hope everyone has a great day. And talk to you soon.Z

They Keep Getting Bigger

Oct 1st @ 8:07am EDT

Well since someone bought me a bigger dildo and I am taking it ok; I thought I would add a bigger one on there to see if I can take it. God, I must want to punish my ass or something. But hey, it feels good to me. Two shows yesterday almost back to back and they asked, do you have toys. So I show the smaller one, then I show the bigger one. They go straight to the big one. I am like you are guys are showing my ass no mercy today. Chris and I got on last night for a minute to have a couple of beers and chat. It was great to chat with you guys that stopped by. Don't forget to look for Chris online as well. He has his solo account and is usually on in the evening times. We get on our duo account more on the weekend; not as much during the week. Our hours that we work are goofy like that. For some reason I am off tomorrow. I am not really sure what it is up with that, but hey I am not complaining at all. I will take the extra day, I will just have to make it up on here. Which is not too terribly hard to do. See you guys soon and hope you have a great Wednesday.

Damn, I keep forgetting

Sep 30th @ 7:29am EDT

I really should remember to start blogging. I keep telling myself that I am going to do it but then I forget. It has been nine days since I have last blogged and that is totally unacceptable. Been working my full time job a lot lately, I guess that is why I haven't blogged. I am wore out by the time I get home that I don't even think about it. I am finally over that crazy chest cold that I had. That was not fun at all. Thank goodness for strong antibiotics. Chris and I did receive a toy off our wish list. The double headed dildo. Man that thing is big. Chris actually used it on me in a show on Saturday night, and actually fucked me too and stuck it in me. The first time I have ever been double penetrated. Not sure How that was even possible, but it just went right on in. That is just a scary thought that I could do that. But it was fun.Still haven't done a shower show yet. I am not sure of what I am waiting on; but maybe one day I will. Going to update the wishlist at some point. I really want that sex swing. I think that would be a lot of fun to use. Well That is all for now. I will see you guys soon.

Back Blogging!

Sep 21st @ 11:31am EDT

Time to blog again. It's been a minute since I have posted my last blog. Work has kept me busy so I haven't really been blogging that much. But I guess I should start this week off right with a new blog. I was in the hospital on Thursday, with severe chest pains and shortness of breath. Turns out I had pleurisy; bronchitis and asthma all at the same time. Which totally sucks. Just a friendly reminder that I probably should quit smoking. Which is a plan of mine, because this was no joke. I have spent most of my weekend doped up and asleep in the bed. The pain is subsiding from the pleurisy as of today. Which I am totally grateful for. Because that crap hurts like a mother fucker. Other than that, it has been an uneventful week. The weather is finally cooling off here; so no more really hot days; and able to open up the windows and let in fresh air, which is probably not the best thing for my lungs right now; but hey I like a cheap utility bill. My goal is to get this thing paid down and soon. I am sick of looking at it. Nothing really planned for today, I will be off and online periodically through the day. Feel free to stop in and say hello. Talk to you guys soon!

Been a hot minute

Sep 11th @ 11:41am EDT

Well it has been a hot minute since I have blogged on here. I know, shame on me for not keeping up with just one of my daily duties. But since I have gone back to work full time, I just sometimes forget that I need to that in the mornings before I get on. Thanks to you guys, I am back in the top 4%, I appreciate all the help in getting me there and I have actually earned two raffle tickets for the contest this month. I still have plenty of time to earn more, and hope I win because if I do, that's $2400 for me, and I sure could use that right about now. Time to get some bills caught up and taken care of so I can get that weight lifted off my shoulder.I am enjoying my day off today from my other job, before the weekend gets here. In the restaurant business the weekend is the days that wear you down the most. I actually prefer busier days on the weekends, than during the week. I like slow days during the week so I can get some cleaning done in the kitchen, and then be up and ready to go on Friday night. The heat here may finally be breaking and having some cool weather. It will be nice to have the AC turned off for a bit. It is raining its ass off here today, flash flooding everywhere. So I plan on staying inside. See you guys soon and have a terrific Thursday!Zack

Heat Go Away Please!

Aug 26th @ 6:12am EDT

Hey guys, Sorry I was not on line much yesterday. The heat was so bad here that the AC in the house couldn't even keep up to keep it cool in here. It was just miserable all day long and I couldn't bring myself to get online. It is going to be another hot one today, just not as hot as yesterday. I think after Wednesday the temp will down under 100 degrees. Southern humid heat is the worst. I would rather have a dry heat any day of the week.Thank you to everyone that got something off my wish list. I can't wait for it to get here. Now I am going to have update it some since it has dwindled down a bit. Got a tattoo on my hand over the weekend. It isn't much but it was my first. Not as bad as I thought it was going to be, it could have been worse I suppose. Ready to get another one, I am going to get one on my arm next. Still trying to decide on what I want to get it, but I think I have found it. Hope you guys have a terrific Tuesday, and hope to talk to all of you soon. I have posted my schedule for this week. I am going to try to stick with it. If I am not on when you are on, you can always jet me an email and I will try to pop on. Talk to you guys soon!Hugs and KissesZack

Sleepless Night

Aug 23rd @ 9:02am EDT

God , I slept for crap last night. I kept waking up all night long. I finally got up and then I looked at the clock and it was 4am and I was like what the fuck. I got online and played some games for a few minutes then thought about getting on cam for a bit. But then I was like, no I am going to try to go back to bed and sleep. I sure as hell didn't want to be up that early because then I would be going to bed way too early on a Saturday night. I crawled back in the bed, turned on the news. Yeah that did it. There is nothing worse than the morning news on the weekend. It is so dull that it would put anyone to sleep. I just got back up and it is almost 8am and I had a message from a friend that was awake at that god awful hour too and wanted to go get breakfast. I felt bad, because I went back to sleep. I always miss the free stuff. LOL. I guess sleep is more important though. I tried laying out yesterday, took the dog out. Hell we were out there ten minutes and the dog wanted to go back inside. Now you know it is too hot to be out when your dog doesn't even want to be out there. He ran back inside and got on the bed near the air conditioner. Such a baby. I guess I need to get my day started. I might be on here in a little bit. Hope to see you guys! And also, I have added more things to my sex toy wish list. Stop by and check them out. Hugs and Kisses Zack

Pay Day means Coffee LOL

Aug 22nd @ 6:10am EDT

Friday is such a wonderful day. It's payday. It was really nice having coffee this morning since I have been out for three days now. The only bad part is that I had to get out and go get it at 4:30 in the morning when I woke up. But it sure as hell was worth it. And of course it is going to be another hot day so I am going to drink this coffee before the sun comes up and starts baking everything around me. Yesterday was a really good day for me thanks to you guys. I was in the top 20 most of the day, which is a first on my solo account. It means a lot when you guys come in my room and chat with me and hang out. I know that all of you can't take me private or tip, and I understand that as well, I enjoy your company and conversation. I wish I could reach out to more of the shy members who come in the room and don't talk. I think a lot of them do it because they don't have credits, so maybe they should sit back on the side lines. But not in my room. I enjoy all of you. I usually have my offer button on, so if you want to make an offer; don't be shy. I am not greedy and I usually will accept most offers. I hope everyone has a great Friday and I will see you guys soon. Hugs and KissesZack

Yeah, it's still Hot!

Aug 21st @ 9:49am EDT

Looks like it is going to be another scorcher here today. Oh the joys of the August heat. I am ready for fall. To be totally honest, I actually don't have anything to write about today. I can't believe it. Usually something would have happened that was remotely interesting. Because I am pretty sure you guys are tired of me bitching about the heat we are having. I think I am ready to take a vacation, just go somewhere and relax, but I guess vacation season is just about over with and then we have to deal with the dreaded Holiday season. My god, it is just around the corner. This year is flying by fast, I can't believe it. Well guys if you get a chance can you write a review for me? Doesn't have to be anything spectacular, just a little something. I think it helps, not really sure but hey I am all about trying. Going to send out a big thank you to all of you guys that stop in a chat, power boost and tip. I am not sure if the other models are as grateful as I am, but I do want to thank you all. I guess I will cut this one short today, or I will just start rambling on about nothing. Have a great Thursday and see all of you guys soon.Zack

Happy Hump Day!

Aug 20th @ 2:54pm EDT

Well the heat is getting to me, the heat index today was 108. That's why I wasn't online much this morning. So what did I decide to do instead? Heat the house up even more by baking bread all day. Yeah that was a smart move. But I did make some Crushed Red Pepper & Onion Focaccia Bread. Nothing like having an oven cranked up to 400 so you can make bread. I think I could have just set it outside and it would have cooked on its own. I plan on being on tomorrow morning at some point. Depending on what time I wake up. I am actually surprised that their haven't been any contest this week. Now there is a shocker right there. I think the next one is going to be this weekend at some point. Not that I ever come close to winning. But hey, it is still fun to try. Chris and I may get on this weekend together, not sure yet. Just going to play it by ear and see how we feel. I have a meeting on Saturday for a possible full time job, so I will keep everyone posted on that. Just trying to get through one day at a time right now. That's all I can do at this point. Hope you guys had a great Hump day! And I will see all of you very soon.HugsZack

Not so good news

Aug 19th @ 7:14am EDT

Well not all news I get is good news. My older brother called me yesterday; he lives up in the North East and told me that my little brother was being rushed from one hospital to another. There is a possibility that he has Lymphoma and he is barely twenty years old. This is a very scary time for me right now, because I can't afford to just fly up there on a notice to be with him. So sitting back here at the house thousands of miles away just waiting for phone calls or updates via social media are nerve racking. But there is no reason to panic right now, because we really don't know anything . I guess when the time is right, I can start to worry. No need any getting all crazy right now. So for now I will just sit back and enjoy some coffee.Nothing else exciting going on here, just more hot weather heading our way. Which is nothing exciting really, just more dreadful. Once the puffiness in face goes down this morning, I will get online. I don't like getting on when I have wake up face. It is not very flattering. I hope everyone is having a good week so far and staying out of trouble. From talking to a few of you yesterday you had some serious fun plans for a Monday night. Can't wait to hear all about them today!See you guys soonHugsZack

Monday already??

Aug 18th @ 10:13am EDT

Happy Monday everyone. Here's to the start of a new week. Yes, it is going to be hotter than hell here where I am this week, and I am not looking forward to it at all. The AC will be running all day and night! I tend to get moody when I get hot. I thought I would share two limericks that a member wrote today in my chat room. I thought it was sweet so I am going to share:A limerick for you: There once was a boy named Zack...whose body I'd like to attack...I'd fuck him, I a dog if I could...and then flip him right onto his back.I love when Zack's body is bare...and his legs are straight up in the air...I'd fuck his sweet bum...till my cock squirts its cum...and his butt feels my pubic hair.You guys are great and I enjoy chatting with all of you. If you happen upon my room, say Hello; I promise that I don't bite; unless you want me to. I absolutely have nothing planned for today except clean house. Which I don't want to do. Not at all. I do not cleaning house, I can't say it enough. I need a maid. I guess I can't bitch about it, cause that's not going to make it get done any sooner. So I guess I will go for now. See you guys soon. Stay safe!Zack

Sunday Funday

Aug 17th @ 8:01am EDT

I completely forgot that yesterday was contest day on Flirt. I can always tell, because every model is on trying to win. Sorry that I missed some of you guys last night, it was also Saturday night so I am sure that a lot of you were out having a good time. Chris had to work a late shift last night, which was really weird. Not used to him not being here that late at night. And then I woke up around 1:40 am and he still wasn't in the bed, I jumped up about to freak out, because I knew he got off at midnight. I thought something had happened.Well, I get up and rush through the house, and he was on the laptop watching a movie. I was like thank god. I thought something happened. He was like no, I just had too much coffee before I went to work so I am a little wired. Kiss on the forehead and back to bed I went. I must have been completely knocked out when he got home, because Dobber usually barks when the door opens, hell the dog was probably passed out too. Some guard dog I have here. Looks like we are going to get some crazy weather here today. Not sure, haven't watched the news but from the looks of it outside, it is not going to be pretty.I hope everyone has a good Sunday and I will talk to you guys soon.

Happy Saturday

Aug 16th @ 8:42am EDT

Hey guys. Happy Saturday. I hope everyone is doing well. I will be on today after 5:30pm Central Time, so look for me then. I hope that everyone is having a great day so far. I just got up a little bit ago and let me tell ya, I slept like a rock last night. The cool weather here is finally leaving us and it is starting to warm up again. Today is going to be in the 90's and it is just going to keep getting hotter throughout next week. I am not looking forward to this. But hey, it is August in the south. I will have a goofy online schedule next week. I will be on during the day, but it will be roughly from 3:30am Central time to around Noon Central time. That's not too much different from what I do now, I will just be on earlier than normal. Gives me a chance to also meet new people that aren't on when I am on. Nothing really planned for today, just going to chill around the house and then go to the store. I particularly do not want to go, but hey I have to eat so it has to be done.Chris told me to tell everyone hi and he will see you guys soon. Have an awesome day.Zack

Fan Club Starting Soon

Aug 15th @ 10:31am EDT

Well guys, I will be starting my solo fan club here in the next few hours. So I will be uploading Members Only Content. Which means, you will get to see 10 minute videos for free once you have joined. You will also get Members Only Shows as well.This will also give the members a chance to chat with one another on my Fan Club wall or ask me any questions that you want to ask me. I am excited that I am able to enable this feature for you guys. And I want to thank everyone who has helped me get there. The weather here has been so freaking awesome this week, I can't believe that it is august and I had all of the windows open yesterday. Next week will not be so nice though. Heat Index is scheduled to be over 100 all week, and 110 next Friday. So I guess I better enjoy this while I can. Saturday I will be on after 6pm CST, so I won't be on during the day. Next week looks like I am going to be getting on around 4am CST each day, but I am not for sure on that. I will try to get next week's schedule posted. If I don't see you guys, Hope you have a great weekend! And I will see you next week hopefully!

818 To Go - And Contest Day

Aug 13th @ 9:07am EDT

Today is another contest day for the models. Of course you know that I don't put a lot of faith in those contests, maybe after I have been on for a while, then I might feel a little better. But currently right now I am only 818 credits away from being able to start my fan club on my solo account. As most of you know, I haven't spent much time on my solo account in the past, but I have started to get on it more. I have also updated my wish list on my profile for those of you who are interested. And if you don't mind, please leave a review on my page. It helps.The high today here is only going to be 84, wow. That is so unusually for our part of the country this time of year. But it looks like the heat wave is heading our way next week, so I am going to enjoy this mild weather while I can before I burn up and sweat to death. Going to update my schedule for the rest of the week. Looks like I will be on everyday through Saturday and then take Sunday off. I will try to make sure it is updated weekly so that you guys know when I will be on. Take it easy guys and I will see you soon.Z

Yeah, I am back

Aug 12th @ 3:41pm EDT

Well, it was a short run of being gone. I couldn't help it. I was getting emails from you guys through the site, but was unable to respond to them. So, I decided to come back. Plus, I was missing a lot of you guys. We have had fun over the past six months and I was not ready to just give that up. You all have become family to me, and I enjoy all of our conversations and privates. They are usually pretty damn fun. Yeah, I know I get pissy sometimes, so I have decided to stay clear of logging on if I am in a bad mood. It is not fair to you guys. But It does make me seem more like a human being than just some image on the screen.The summer here is winding down, and let me tell you, it has been very mild here. Which is shocking. I can't believe that it is as cool as it is. Not complaining for sure!Hopefully we will get our duo accounts going again, but not sure when that will be. Scheduling is making it difficult for us to be on at the same time, but Chris sends his love to all of you.Well I guess it is time for me to figure out what to cook for dinner. You guys have a fantastic day!!!

August Already?

Aug 1st @ 11:40am EDT

Time for another blog I suppose. This week has been an interesting week for me, not in a bad way. In a really good way. I will be traveling next week, so I might not be on very much. I will try to pop on when I can. I can not believe that it is already august. Where has the time gone? I am hoping that the heat is not too bad this month. We had a pretty mild July for our area, so I am not complaining at all about the temperature. Looks like it may be a little warmer today than it was yesterday, but I have been able to have the windows open the past few days because it has been quite comfortable.I was sitting here this morning thinking it was Saturday. But it is only Friday. I hope everyone has a nice weekend. Chris and I may pop on at some point this weekend. It will be nice to catch up with everyone and see how everything is going. Chris is loving his new job, which is basically the reason we haven't been on much together, and I only get on during the early morning hours after he goes to work. I guess I will wrap this up for now. Everyone take care and see you soon!

I'm Back Solo!

Jul 28th @ 11:35am EDT

Hey guys. I am going to try to get on my solo account more from now on. I have redone my schedule to reflect the times that I will be on here. Hopefully you guys can catch me then. I have found that early in the morning is good for me. I have met some new people getting on early, and sometimes I might pop in during a later time, I just don't want to schedule something that I am not sure of. Everything around here seems to be getting a little better. A lot less drama lately. Which makes for a happy home front. I hope everyone is having a good summer/winter; I guess depending on where in the world you are and that everyone is staying safe. I haven't gone anywhere this summer for vacation, but I desperately want to. But that doesn't look like it will happen. Tomorrow is another contest day on Flirt; so I am sure I will be on and make an attempt to qualify for a bonus. But hey, if I don't try then I know I sure can't win. That's why I don't ever win the lottery; you got to play to win. I can think of better things to do with my money, because I am just not that lucky. Well, I guess that is all for now. See you guys soon!

Wish List Updated!

Jun 23rd @ 1:34pm EDT

I am not sure of how many people read my blog; but I still like to make sure I do them daily. I have updated my sex toy wish list; so if you see something on there that you would like me to perform in or with; I would be happy to do so. The pink eye is getting better; but I still think it is trying to run it's course. I still feel a little drained all of the time; I am not as peppy as normal. People keep telling me that I look tired; but isn't than an insult to tell someone that.Not working again really bites; but I do get to spend more time on here, so that is fun. You know that I always have fun on here. Also, has anyone noticed the tip target? I thought it was funny. It's not as funny now that I am telling you about it, but still. Don't really have anything planned today. Just going to hang around the house and get on here some and hopefully get off. That's one of the perks you know. Really don't have anything else going on right now; so I will cut this short and will see you guys real soon. Hope your day was awesome.Hugs and KissesZack

Jerk it at Work. LOL Funny

Jun 19th @ 2:29pm EDT

Glad I am actually going to the doctor tomorrow. My throat is now sore; so I am not really sure what the hell is going on. I don't know if the Pink Eye and the sore throat are related; or I just happen to be completely falling apart all together. If anyone knows; please feel free to jet me a message and tell me. Thank you guys that have sent credits in to help with the doctors visit tomorrow. It means a lot to me; and I am truly grateful that you have done this. I know that it looks like on the tip target that no one has; but I know who you guys are; and thank you again!We had fun chatting with you guys last night; and we will be on again tonight. I have nothing else to do so I would rather spend my free time with people that are funny and fun to be around. You guys are making this sick thing not seem so bad. Helping me take my mind off my messed up eye. I will just be glad when it is completely healed and I am back to normal and don't have to wear these stupid sunglasses all the time. There is a contest going on today; so of course we must mention it so if you guys can help us out; that would be awesome; but if you can't you know we still love ya.See you guys soon!Zack

Tip Target

Jun 18th @ 1:28pm EDT

Broke down today and finally made an appointment to go to the doctor about my eye. It is not getting better on its own so I guess I have no option but to go. I have set up a tip target on our duo account to see if you guys can help me out with the doctor visit. Not having insurance sucks; and it of course I am not financially stable right now to afford it. I guess that is why I have been putting it off this week. Stopped at the pharmacy today; and had them look at it; but they said there wasn't any over the counter medicine that I could use to clear it up. They said that if I had been using it already; then there is really nothing that can be done other than going to a doctor to get a script. This is just great. Finally get the job that I wanted and can't go to work until I am cleared from the doctor; cant afford the doctor because I can't go to work. This just doesn't make any sense what so ever. So if you guys could help me out that would be great! Thanks again for having fun with us last night; as usual we had a blast. See you guys soon.Zack

Pink Eye is a Bitch

Jun 17th @ 1:24pm EDT

Well I know that it has been awhile since I have written on the blog; but it has been a crazy couple of weeks with training and stuff. But I will try to catch everyone up to date on everything. Chris' divorce is final as of yesterday; he is a free man. I could see the relief in his eyes when that was all over with. I started training at the new restaurant; and the day before the grand-opening; I ended up with pink eyeSo; now I am sitting at the house; unable to work because of it. That would be just my luck as to end up with this the day before we open. So I can't go back to work until this is 100% cleared up; which is what has put me in a foul mood lately. And the fact that it hurts like hell. I don't think I have ever had pink eye before; but I tell you one thing; I don't ever want to get it again.We hope everyone is doing well out there; we have missed you guys; cause we haven't been on together as much as usual; but we are trying to figure this schedule out. We will be on tonight; I didn't feel good last night; that's why we didn't get on last night. Love you guys and see you soon!Zack

Technical Issues

Jun 3rd @ 4:25pm EDT

I know shock; it's been a couple of days since I have blogged but I have just been down in the dumps a little; I think most of you guys could tell last night when we were online that I just wasn't feeling it. I think Cabin Fever is setting in; and I am just ready to get back to work other than just doing this. Don't get me wrong; I enjoy doing this; we have a lot of great times and have met some great people on here; I have two passions in life; fucking and cooking and I think I need to be doing both. LOL.We have been experiencing some technical difficulties lately; and I am sure that it has been driving you guys crazy just as much as us. I have a tech person coming out in the AM to check our lines; because it looks like we are having some conflict and they couldn't determine it through remote connection; so they are going to have to come out and check the physical lines inside and out. I have replaced the data cable; and the connection seems to be a bit more stable but I think there might be another issue outside of the data cable. Please tell me it is something outside and not inside wiring. We will be on tonight; and I am feeling better today; so we will see you soon! Zack


May 30th @ 4:41pm EDT

6:00am really? You guys are too much. But of course we had a lot of fun. As we always do. We are currently working a trio account; hopefully it will be set up soon unless the guy backs out of it then I guess we wont. Well of course we wont, because there wont be a third person; but that is ok. We enjoy performing with just the two of us but we thought it would be fun to mix it up a bit. It is raining today; and muggy! I am just sweating sitting here typing this; I really need to turn the ac on. But I don't want to. Our members only chat was fun last night. Glad I remembered to do it this time. And I didn't need anyone to remind me. It is going to be weird going back to work next week. I am not sure what my schedule is going to be like; but I will still try to get on as much as possible so we can have some fun and nice chats. But you guys can not let us stay up until 6am again. You are going to have to force us to go to bed. Like we do to some of our members. Will not say any names though! You know who you are. See You guys soon

And that is that!

May 29th @ 3:42pm EDT

All I can say you guys are too much. You kept us up until 5am this morning; but we had a blast with you guys. Thank you! You guys are the reason we keep coming back on here day after day. All of you are so nice to us; and we know we aren't the best looking things on here, but you guys make us feel like we are and we 100% are honored to have you in our room! We got so carried away last night that we forgot to do our members only show. You know that you guys have to remind us of that! I didn't know if you guys could tell last night; but I am no longer wearing my wedding ring. I have told her that I think it is the best if we just both move on and she has agreed. We aren't filing for the divorce yet; because neither one of us can afford it right now; but we are going to at some point. I am fine with that for now, she will be coming to pick up the rest of her stuff over the weekend. Should I be nice and pack it for her? Or would that make me look like a doche? Maybe I will call her and ask. Oh well. Until next time guys!Zack

How you doin?

May 27th @ 12:57pm EDT

You guys kept up way to late last night, but good god we had fun with yall. I think it is funny that Chris has a "trainer" on his solo account who is trying to train him in being a bottom. So hopefully soon I will be able to top Chris on here but we will have to try it out in private first, you know don't want him screaming and crying on the cam in front of everyone lol. I am surprised that he was able to go to work this morning, but he got up and went in. I don't think I could have gotten up that early. Hell I didn't get out of bed until 11:40 this morning, and I still feel tired as hell. I am not sure what I am going to do today. I am starting to get a little cabin fever from not working. I really wish they would hurry up and open this damn restaurant already. I don't think I can sit around this house much longer. Looks like it is going to be another blistering hot day around here. I am going to try not to sweat to death. If I don't get on tonight, then you know something happened LOL. But I think I will fine. See you guys soon!

Memorial Day

May 26th @ 11:58am EDT

I should really learn that when I am in a mood that I shouldn't get online because it makes me look like I am taking it out on you guys when I am really not meaning too. It just takes one little thing to set me off and I take it out on that situation. So from now on I promise that I will not get online if I am in a bad mood, I will just get over what is bothering me and then get on. I think it was the heat that put me in a bad mood, I can't stand being hot and I am just refusing to turn on the AC, just trying to be cheap I suppose. Plus I am ready for this damn restaurant to open so I can get back in the kitchen and cook. This is driving me crazy not working constantly; but looks like only one more week. Unless they push back the opening again, which is very well possible at this point. I will keep my fingers crossed in hopes that it doesn't. Happy Memorial day to those in the US, and if you aren't in the US Have a Happy Monday. Might cook something on the grill, but haven't decided what. See you guys later.Zack

Double Headed Dildo

May 25th @ 12:02pm EDT

I figured my ass would be hurting this morning since Chris stuck that big ass butt plug up in me. But surprisingly it isn't hurting at all. But as requested I added the double headed dildo to the wish list. Since you guys said that you wanted to see that. We had fun with you guys last night as always, glad to meet the new people that we did and is always glad to see the our regular members. It is going to be another hot hot hot day here. I don't know if we will be able to lay out long. Yesterday when we did we both starting feeling sick after an hour of being out there. That has to be the worse feeling in the world.Ok, so I completely screwed up last night, when I blocked Guest User Chat, I accidentally blocked basic user chat instead. Stupid Zack. I noticed it this morning when we logged on; I was like oops my bad. I so did not mean to do that. So I apologize to any basic users that weren't able to chat with us last night. We will be on at some point today, probably solo and duo. I need to go shower, I feel all gross so I am going to cut it short. See you guys later and thanks for all the laughs.Zack

Hot and Muggy!

May 24th @ 1:54pm EDT

I thought today was going to be a laying out type of day, but I guess I was wrong. It is cloudy.. and muggy so I have spent most of the day online with you guys. Been quiet around the home front though, no calls from the wife, so I am pleased. Maybe she will just let me enjoy my weekend with having to listen to her bitch and moan about stuff. Wishful thinking I am sure. Woke up way too early this morning, especially after being up until 2am on here; 7 was not the right time for me to get up, but I just couldn't go back to sleep. Maybe 5 hours was all I needed to get re-energized to get back on here with you guys. We will be on at some point this afternoon. Chris may be on his solo account before then, depending on how he feels. You never know with him.Again we had a blast night with you guys as we always do, and glad to see that drama in the room has settled down and we don't have so many crazies come in anymore. Maybe they are harassing someone else. Until next time guys, have a wonderful Saturday and see you all very soon.Zack

Members only Chat - #EpicFail LOL

May 23rd @ 11:44am EDT

Not sure what was going on last night with the server, but we were having issues signing into our Members Only Chat. We were going to do a little show for the new members but it wouldn't seem to work. We will schedule our next on Wednesday at 9:00pm CST. Hopefully we won't have any issues then with the chat feature. I know we weren't the only ones having the problem; one of the other models was experiencing the same issue. Today is going to be a hot muggy day; so we probably won't be lying out all day long. We tried yesterday but after 2 hours we thought we were going to pass out in the yard. We may get on and do a shower show today for you guys, Going to have to figure out how we can set up the camera so we can do it. Maybe next month we will get a wireless router so we can do some stuff outside as well. Other than that, nothing much going on here today. The wife has been quiet and not calling me or anything, so I guess that is a good sign. But you never know with her. She could just pop up at any time. Thanks for all the tips last night, we had fun. See you guys soon.

Memorial Day Weekend

May 22nd @ 11:48am EDT

Another awesome night with you guys. You guys are the best you know that right? Chris is off today, Friday, and Monday for the holiday weekend. So it looks like we are going to get to have a lot of fun on here with you guys. Another hot day here in the south. Sunny with a High of 90 so we are definitely going to lay out today, which is no big surprise there. Got some charcoal and going to throw some chicken on the grill. Have no idea how I am going to season it though, I guess I will think of something when I get ready to cook, but I don't want to stress my brain out right now. Nothing planned for the holiday weekend here, but chilling around the house and maybe doing some yard work. I really need to get a wireless router, so that we can go outside and play; and do a shower show for you guys. If there is anything you would like to see let us know and we can try to make it happen. Make sure you check out our wish list as well on here. We have added some things, and we would like to clone my dick so Chris can fuck me with it. I think that would be hot.Until later on today. Have a good one guys!Zack

1 out of 2

May 21st @ 9:49am EDT

Hey guys, sorry that I wasn't on last night had some personal matters to deal with, but I know that Chris got on his account so I guess 1 out of 2 aint bad. LOL. The wife wanted to go to dinner last night so I thought I would go and see what she had to say. More of the same really, nothing new. We are trying to end this on good terms, but I am not sure how good we can end it. I personally can't be mad at her for doing what she did, I mean hell I have been doing the same thing, only she doesn't know about it. I feel that I should tell her but again that is something that might cause some serious drama with in Chris' family and I am just not ready to start that kind of shit. Plus it would put Chris through a lot and he is already going through enough with his divorce. At least they aren't fighting over anything. They are just splitting everything up and going their separate ways. Thank god their were no rugrats involved in this; which is why it is going a lot quicker than it would if they had rugrats. Until later on today, you guys have a great day! See you soon.Zack

Long Phone Conversation

May 20th @ 11:08am EDT

It looks like the sun is going to be shining here today. Thank goodness. A week of rain has been so brutal. They called me this AM from the restaurant and said that they won't need any of us again until next week; so that means I get another week off. I am cool with that since it is suppose to be beautiful here this week; maybe I can get some yard work done and get some more sun on myself. The wife stopped by this morning and picked up some more of her clothes and personal things. She barely said two words to me while she was here. I am not complaining about that either cause usually she is just complaining about something when she talks anyway. But then I made the mistake and asked her what was wrong. She told me that she has been seeing someone from work for the past 3 months; so I asked are we done? She was like I don't know. I want to see where this other relationship goes. Um, No. I am not going to sit here on the sidelines while you determine whether or not your new relationship is going to work. So she just storms out of the house and leaves. I am like whatever bitch. Oh well. Time to get some stuff done around here.

Yeah, she's a bitch!

May 19th @ 10:48am EDT

It looks like the sun is going to be shining here today. Thank goodness. A week of rain has been so brutal. They called me this AM from the restaurant and said that they won't need any of us again until next week; so that means I get another week off. I am cool with that since it is suppose to be beautiful here this week; maybe I can get some yard work done and get some more sun on myself. The wife stopped by this morning and picked up some more of her clothes and personal things. She barely said two words to me while she was here. I am not complaining about that either cause usually she is just complaining about something when she talks anyway. But then I made the mistake and asked her what was wrong. She told me that she has been seeing someone from work for the past 3 months; so I asked are we done? She was like I don't know. I want to see where this other relationship goes. Um, No. I am not going to sit here on the sidelines while you determine whether or not your new relationship is going to work. So she just storms out of the house and leaves. I am like whatever bitch. Oh well. Time to get some stuff done around here.

First Solo Blog

May 18th @ 1:04pm EDT

Well I guess I thought I would start typing my own blog for my personal page. I really don't know what to say other than I just got separated from my wife; just a few days ago and I enjoy coming on here with all of you guys. I rarely get on this account; as many of you already know. I spend most of my time on the Chris and Zack account. But I thought I would get on this one a little bit more than I normally do; just to catch up with everyone on a one to one basis. This week of vacation has been horrible. It rained everyday but one. I sure know how to plan around the weather. The yard is in serious need of attention but it won't stop raining long enough for it to dry out. So now that the grass is over a foot high; it is going to be a bitch to cut. I think I will just hire someone to cut the yard. Or may just get my neighbor to do it when he does his yard. He has a riding lawn mower and mine is just a push mower. So maybe I can just give him 20 bucks and he will do it for me. Well you guys enjoy your Sunday.

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